Now is the time of year that Seattleites live for: blue skies, warm sun, water and mountains, no bugs or humidity (sorry, East Coasters). Very kindly, the publishing gods timed The Code's release so that I could wrap up book tour just as summer hits the Pacific Northwest with full force.

While you'll mostly find me in coming weeks on my lounge chair and working through my fiction-to-read pile, I'll also be spending some time on new(ish) writing projects and research exploration. (Hints at bottom.)
Meanwhile, links to some of the book-related pieces that appeared in the last week:
Silicon Magic: an excerpt of The Code discussing the rise of Facebook and the early intersections between politics and social media appears in the print and online editions of Newsweek (July 26 issue), as well as a Q & A with me.
Silicon Valley’s Geeks Can Still Beat China’s: my appearance on Bloomberg Opinion's weekend podcast for the weekend of July 26.
You Butt-Dialed your Mom with this Supercomputer: my favorite headline of the tour comes from KUOW, which recorded and aired my July 15 University Book Store talk as part of its Speaker's Forum series.
How Stanford, science, and war made tech history: part one of my web series on Big Think:
The Power of Silicon Valley: a great conversation on the Politics & Polls podcast with a great friend and terrific historian, Julian Zelizer. (Pardon my frazzled post-tour voice.)
Still some more book interviews and media to drop in August, and then I'm back on the road with The Code in the fall. Look for me in Berkeley just after Labor Day, in DC, Princeton, and Charlottesville mid-September, Stanford and San Francisco in October and November, and New York City in December. Details to come!
Beyond that? Well, when I'm not enjoying summer beverages or watching air shows fly over my house or laughing at Peppa Pig on TikTok with my kids, here are some of the things getting me thinking as I prepare for the fall, and gear up to write some more. ;-)